
Tradesoft GTP Mutual Funds

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Tradesoft GTP Mutual Funds for Reporting Required by Mutual Funds Firms

Tradesoft GTP Mutual Funds supports the buying and selling transactions involving various types of securities and instruments. This platform allows the aggregation of savings from small investors in pools and channels them into a diversified portfolio of different types of securities, ensuring proportional profit distribution based on their shares.

Key Features of Tradesoft GTP Mutual Funds

  • Single screen: View all your investments through a user-friendly single-screen interface and easily monitor the appreciation of savings throughout the day..
  • Easy file transfer: Easily transfer transactions from different institutions to the system.
  • Instant monitoring: Instantly track cash movements during the day and report them through the system.
  • Fast reporting: Access official reports and trial balances effortlessly through the system, with e-ledger support enabling easy month-end printouts.
  • Error-free workflow: By automating daily workflows through robotic processes, Tradesoft GTP Mutual Funds mitigates risks, ensuring error-free and fast processes.

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