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ATP GreenX and EDİDER Collaborate to Host ‘Green Energy Summit’ in Istanbul

Developments in the Global and Turkish Green Energy Market, Energy Outlook, and Steps to be Taken for Green Energy in Our Country Discussed at the Green Energy Summit in Istanbul, a collaboration between ATP GreenX and EDİDER

Istanbul, November 22, 2023 – The ‘Green Energy Summit,’ organized in collaboration with ATP GreenX and EDİDER, with contributions from ETD, took place on November 21 at the Mandarin Oriental Bosphorus Hotel. The summit, which could also be followed online, was organized with the themes of ‘Digital Green Energy Market Trends, Overview of Local and Global Green Energy Markets, and Energy Outlook in the World and Turkey.’

In the opening speeches of the summit, Korhan Kurdoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ata Holding, emphasized the increasing importance of the concept of sustainability in the world. Kurdoğlu stated that sustainability, a common goal, is a significant opportunity for everyone and urged quick action in response to the climate crisis. He expressed satisfaction with ATP GreenX’s platform, which will bring together key players in the energy market to buy and sell green certificates. Kurdoğlu mentioned, “As Ata Group, we are very pleased to sponsor this event. We extend our sincere thanks to EDİDER and ETD for organizing this event.”

“We Support Sustainability and Digitalization”

Highlighting the importance of the energy sector in addressing climate change, Kurdoğlu continued his speech by saying, “The future is now,” emphasizing our interconnectedness with nature. He stressed the need to protect the resources of the world we are all part of. Kurdoğlu stated, “We must make our operations sustainable. The financial sector also plays a crucial role in sustainability. The technology sector stands out due to the digitization of everything in today’s world. As ATA Holding, we support sustainability and digitization in every aspect.”

“Our Efforts to Reduce Carbon Emissions Will Continue”

Emphasizing that ATA Holding will focus more on sustainability this year, Kurdoğlu stated that the company continues its efforts to reduce carbon emissions and water consumption. He also highlighted their intensified sustainability activities with investments in green energy. Kurdoğlu expressed pride in the role Ata Holding played in the realization of the Atatürk Dam, which influences Turkey’s energy market and economy, covering 3% of electricity consumption. He also commemorated his father, Ertuğrul Kurdoğlu, on the 10th anniversary of his passing.

Bakatjan Sandalkhan, a partner at Boston Consulting Group, spoke during the keynote session, addressing innovation in the green energy transformation. He highlighted the disparity between the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement and the current state of the world. Sandalkhan pointed out the challenges but also mentioned promising developments. He stressed the need for behavioral change and government incentives for climate action.

In the session on Digital Green Energy Market Trends, Tuğba Tanıl, Business Development Manager at ATP GreenX, emphasized the importance of green energy and green certificates. She discussed the introduction of emission reporting from 2023, with the iron, steel, cement, energy, aluminum, and hydrogen sectors being the first target sectors. Tanıl emphasized the need for companies to prepare for the Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanism by 2030. She pointed out that smart contracts would be a key factor in market growth, along with data analysis platforms, integrated systems, digital trading, and storage.

Turkish Energy Leaders Focus on the Climate Crisis and Renewable Energy

The final session of the event featured a panel discussion on “Energy Outlook in the World and Turkey.” The session, moderated by Elif Düşmez Tek, President of EDİDER, included speakers Ahmet Türkoğlu, CEO of EPİAŞ, Hasan Aksoy, Research Coordinator at SHURA Energy Transition Center, and Ozan Korkmaz, Co-Founder of APlus Enerji.

During the panel, projections of supply and demand in the global and Turkish energy transformation were discussed, along with the technological transformations necessary for this transformation. The role and changing nature of energy exchanges in the future energy world were also discussed.

In her closing remarks, Elif Düşmez Tek, President of EDiDER, focused on the climate crisis and the difficulty of ensuring energy supply security. Hasan Aksoy from SHURA highlighted the global transition to clean energy and emphasized Turkey’s role as a low-emission country. Ahmet Türkoğlu from EPİAŞ addressed the impact of climate change on the energy sector, mentioning their support for renewable energy investors through the YEK-G mechanism. Ozan Korkmaz from Aplus stressed the importance of solar energy and the need to evaluate existing investment projects.

About ATP

ATP is a technology company that provides corporate software and infrastructure solutions for critical processes of companies. Operating under the Ata Holding umbrella and publicly traded, ATP’s brands Tradesoft, Zenia, and ATP Digital serve different sectors. Tradesoft develops comprehensive software platforms for capital markets and the financial sector; it holds the largest share of the trading volume on Borsa İstanbul among competing systems. Zenia’s fast-service restaurant chain software is used in 3,100 restaurants worldwide with global brands. ATP Digital undertakes digital transformation projects for medium and large companies with its products and software services. With 600 customers in Turkey, China, and the EMEA Region, ATP entered the Chinese and Asia-Pacific markets by acquiring 51% of the TS China company in 2020. In 2021, it supported its R&D center activities with the establishment of Konuk Ağırlama Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları A.Ş. In 2022, ATP established ATP Venture Capital Investment Trust to support the company’s global growth by investing in initiatives that will provide strategic support. The ATP R&D Center, standing out with innovations in the sectors it serves, supports organizations in managing change risks and turning them into opportunities with its artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, and deep learning studies.

About ATP:


EDİDER (Energy Efficiency Association) was founded in 1992 as a non-governmental organization aiming to contribute to the efficient and rational use of energy resources. EDİDER carries out activities to increase energy efficiency and raise awareness in Turkey, organizes events, and provides education on energy efficiency.


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