ATP Information Security Policies

HomeATP Information Security Policies

ATP is a leading technology company that develops vital platforms, software, and services for corporate enterprises, particularly in the ATP, finance, and hospitality sectors. Under its umbrella, with brands such as Tradesoft, Zenia, ATP Digital Transformation, and GreenX, ATP transforms innovative technologies into competitive and cost advantages for its customers. By ensuring that business operations are conducted in accordance with international laws and national regulations, ATP aims to provide a secure working environment at all times.

Our corporate values focus on safeguarding the confidentiality of corporate information assets, ensuring the accuracy and completeness of our content, and making our strategic competitive advantage continuously sustainable. To achieve these objectives, our organization has established an Information Security Management System that is compliant with the ISO 27001 standard and effectively managed.

In accordance with our Information Security Management System at ATP:

– We identify, analyze, and create an effective information security risk management approach to reduce or eliminate identified risks to an acceptable level.
– We view information security as a corporate responsibility and allocate necessary resources, define roles, and specify authorities and responsibilities to manage information security risks and operate security controls effectively.
– We organize periodic training activities to increase awareness among employees, third parties, and stakeholders regarding their roles and responsibilities related to information security.
– To ensure the continuity of critical processes, we develop and implement appropriate business continuity plans and systems.
– We establish necessary systems to manage information security breaches and take appropriate actions to prevent their recurrence.
– We set security control objectives and continuously improve the system through regular audits and reviews.
– We prioritize the responsibility for compliance with all relevant laws, contracts, and business ethics concerning the security of information for our organization, customers, employees, and all business partners.
– Adherence to ATP Information Security Management System policies, procedures, and controls is considered a mandatory requirement for all ATP employees and suppliers.

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