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Seda Erdem Yılmaz: The most effective Chief Human Resources Officer

Seda Erdem Yılmaz, the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) of Ata Group Technology Companies, was included in the “Top 50 Most Effective CHROs” list organized by DataExpert and BMI. This award was given to acknowledge Yılmaz’s outstanding contributions and achievements in the field of human resources management.

During the event, Seda Erdem Yılmaz had the opportunity to speak on a panel titled “HR and Technology in the Future Business World: Digital Transformation and Human Resources Management.” Here, she emphasized the critical role technology plays in the business world and how it can be integrated into human resources management. Yılmaz highlighted the power of technology while also underscoring the importance of human emotions in the field of technology. She explained that digital transformation in human resources has become an indispensable element to gain a competitive advantage in the business world.

The recognition of Seda Erdem Yılmaz with this award is considered a reflection of the success of Ata Group Technology Companies in the field of human resources management. Her leadership and vision have assisted the company in successfully managing the digital transformation process, enabling significant strides towards the future. This award once again reaffirms Yılmaz’s and Ata Group’s leadership in HR and technology.

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